About Laboratory

MAX (MAgnetic field exploration) Laboratory

The scientific understanding of space phenomenon requires many kinds of observations in space. In this point, space payload is one of the important methods to research in space science and exploration. So, we develop space payload and the cutting edge detector system with international collaboration. Furthermore, space payload development is not only research hot topics of space science and exploration but also to obtain and learn about space observation instrument technologies.

1. Detector System Development

The detector is the core technology of space payload to take a scientific data following this research, we can learn about detector operation, calibration, measurement and system manufacturing. There are many kinds of space payload detectors which are able to get science information from electromagnetic wave and energy particle. This research has an important role not only making observation instrument for space science but also core technology for space technologies.

2. Opto-Mechanics Development

Opto-Mechanics development of space payload system should be proven that they will work in the environments of the rocket launch, flight and outer space from the earth. For the spacecraft and their instruments, the space engineering disciplines of mechanical structural design and analysis are learned together.

3. Space Electronics Development

The electronic systems for space payload can be considered in two phases. The electronics circuit has to operate the required functions but also to be capable of reliability against the harsh environment. The electronics carries out many functions to operate such as detector signal processing, payload operating system, communication, CPU, control & housekeeping, power etc.

KHAO (Kyung Hee Astronomical Observatory) Location