Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO)

KMAG (KPLO MAGnetometer) 

KPLO is the first lunar exploration mission in Korea. It is scheduled for launch in 1 August 2022 and its mission life will be one-year. KMAG is one of the instruments on KPLO. KMAG will measure DC and low-frequency magnetic field variations near the lunar surface and provide a 3-D map of lunar magnetic fields. Due to the very limited available volume and mass on the spacecraft, we have adopted the multi-sensor technique to subtract the spacecraft interference field from observational data. Three triaxial fluxgate magnetometers are installed on a 1.2-meter-long boom. Two magnetometers are located at the end of the boom and one is located near the spacecraft-end of boom. 

KMAG Flight Model (FM)

Major Instrument Specifications

Requirement Specifications of the KMAG Magnetometer